Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Rain Keeps Fallin' On My Head....

It's a rainy day here in the city. I don't much care - except my hair was so beautiful and sleek and glossy this morning before I got caught in it.
Here's a list for today
1. I read about the cold case that had been re-opened in Anchorage, AL online and now I am facinated with it. Apparently the woman who commited the murder around 10 years ago got the idea from a movie plot. Now I must see the movie. The movie she used as inspiration is The Last Seduction (1994). At any rate, I'm glad she got caught all these years later and impressed with the justice system. With any luck A & E will do a show on it that I can watch. Crime shows are the best. I watched one as a fell asleep last night, but it gave me nightmares and I did not sleep well.
2. I put on my cap and gown today. I hope my hair grows some before graduation.
3. Shawn said his step mom wants to throw me a graduation party. Yay! That would be fun. Their home is beautiful. Of course my two blog readers will be invited.
4. I have some weird sore place on the top of my left leg. Swollen lymph node? Pulled muscle from practing dance while babysitting? I don't know. All I do know is it is painful and the pain is spreading down and around.
These gorgeous photos of San Fran were taken by a friend of mine over fall break. I think she has a job all lined up....so far I don't but I may send out more resumes this afternoon, depending on what's going on at work. I'm still hoping I can line something up for myself. And of course, there is always nursing school I can go back to. I would love to move to San Fran or NYC or Texas, I really would. Honestly, knowing myself I just don't have to courage. There's Shawn and I don't see me wanting to move away from him and the fact that I am very close to my Mom and don't want to be far away from her. I do sometimes wish a turn of fate would land me in a great city, but more than likely I will be living near home after graduation.

Have a great day!
Everyday I Write the Book - Elvis Costello

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