Thursday, November 15, 2007

Fuzzy Wuzzy....

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy has a tummy?! I have decided the little protruding belly I have is a "teddy bear tummy". Look at a teddy bear, they have a little beer belly going on. Mine isn't really a beer belly. I think part of it is poor posture. I have noticed since I started really trying to get flat stomach that I tend to let me lower back go sway back and stick out my tummy. I'm also working on strengthening my lower back so I don't look so sway backed.
I'm about to take a much needed nap. I was up studying last night and this morning. I feel like I did really well on the test I took and the rest of my day is easy, just classes and work. And of course, Grey's Anatomy.
On The Playlist
Sweet Dreams - LaBouche